Monday 20 August 2012

The Thirteen Years of Exile

Dhrtarastra was extremely happy of seeing the Pandavas suffer in the forest. He put on a fake act on being sympathetic to the Pandavas. Even though the Pandavas accepted the exile, the Kauravas found no peace. Their interactions throughout the first twelve years included sending demons and people to torture them, creating unnecessary problems with the Gandharva tribes. Despite those attempts, they passed each test. Krsna visited them to give them solace. Krsna saw a forthcoming war which was destined to take place. He requested Arjuna to worship Lord Siva in order to get divine weapons. He won the blessings of Lord Siva and received divine weapons and a course in the art of dancing. Twelve years passed very quickly by the blessings of Lord Krsna.

In the final year, they took disguise as servants or people offering service to the land of Matysa. Yudhisthira took the role as Kank, the king’s associate who gambles with him. Bhima was the cook known as Ballava. Arjuna, due to a curse from a heavenly damsel during the exile, was cursed to be a eunuch for one year. Arjuna became the eunuch known as Brhanalla. He became the teacher of the princess, Uttara, in dancing and singing. Nakula and Sahadeva became the cow and horse caretakers. Draupadi was Sairandri. the maid of the queen of Matysa. For one year, they endured living in a subservient manner, and occasionally dealt with some abuse from the family, due to status differences. After the year was completed, the Pandavas assumed their original form and the king’s family for offering them shelter. The king of Matsya and his family begged forgiveness for any misbehavior on their part. The king offered his daughter, Uttara, to Arjuna’s son, Abhimanyu in marriage.

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